Its GoTime!
We will be reopening our doors this Monday June 1st at 6am!
GoTime Fitness Reopening Information:
GoTime Fitness is required to follow the recommendations and mandates of their local government in order to protect the health and wellness of consumers and staff.
Club Protocol and Procedures:
We are recommending the following, inline with or above and beyond the local government regulations. These safety guidelines will be posted in the facility for member education upon entering and throughout.
Hours + Staffing
We are now operating back at our normal operating hours which include Key Fob hours
Staff is trained on all CDC recommendations for cleanliness and distancing
Staff will stay at home if feeling ill or exhibiting symptoms related to COVID-19 and the case will be reported according to our Positive COVID-19 Protocol outlined below.
Temperature checks and wellness questions will be mandatory for entrance. Per CDC guidelines, individuals with a body temperature greater than 100.4 degrees will be asked to come back at another time
Masks are mandatory
Control coughs and sneezes by using your upper sleeve instead of hands
Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds.
Stay home if you're sick for 7 days after your symptoms begin or until you have been symptom free for 24 hours
Avoid face touching. Germs can spread easily that way.
Wipe down equipment before and after use
If you have tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) and have used the club recently, please contact us immediately
Please limit movements between different equipment. This will help with proper sanitation before moving to another exercise
Equipment will be spaced out 6 feet to comply with the 6ft recommendation. Any equipment that can not be moved will be labeled as unusable
We will add markers to the floors and signage that explains/reminds about distancing
Staff will limit and monitor the number of people in the club to keep below the 50% capacity guideline
Cleaning and Facility
Increasing the frequency of cleaning and sanitization in our gyms, especially high touch areas
Ensuring soap dispensers and hand sanitizers are available at all times and replenished
Providing wipes/cleaning products to allow members to self-clean equipment before and after use
Educating and reminding members and staff of the importance of good hygiene in the gym
Water fountains will not be available for use
Floor fans will not be available for use
We will have a designated exit door that is separate from the entry way.